Sunday, March 6, 2011

When did this happen?

One day I was walking past some glass windows at work and caught a glimpse of my reflection.  Do you know what I saw?  A BELLY!  A round, sticking out, yucky, never had it before belly. I was devastated.  How did this happen?  When did this happen?  I have always had a fairly flat stomach and never considered it to be a problem area on my body.  Now, I look for clothes that are poofy and don't cling to my midriff and I suck in my stomach most of the time. When I dance, I am uncomfortable when the move includes any contact around the waist and the worst part.... I have a muffin top!! OK, deep this the end of the world? Not really, but I am convinced that I could retire earlier if I wasn't spending so much money on my ever expanding wardrobe to fit around my ever expanding waistline!  

Aging isn't easy!  There are things I can't do as easily as I used to and I am envious of the young girls that can wear 'skinny' jeans.  I don't like feeling like my body is out of control or noticing that my skin is not as tight as it used to be.  But the truth is, I wouldn't trade this time in my life for anything.  I have a wonderful family, a great job that pays well, I don't have money worries, I get to travel when I want to, I work from home a few days a week, my husband loves to dance with me, eat what I cook and spend time just doing nothing together.  All in all, life is great and I am fat and happy! :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool Sally. I look forward to reading your blog
    I guess the good news is we're invisible when we're past our sell by date anyway so at least no one will notice us or our fat!
