Solve this Riddle: If I am turning 35 next year, 45 the next and 55 the year after that, what am I today?
Did you figure it out?
This is my very first original riddle. I am calling it my Origiddle. Down spell check! Down! You can only have one Origiddle in your life and this is mine. Do you have one?
Riddles, or brain teasers are often a play on words and some people are really good at solving them. A good riddle will cause us to think about our world differently than we have been programmed to think. For instance, most people I challenge with my origiddle will answer ‘25’. Why? Because we are programmed from a very early age to think about mathematics when presented with numbers and this sequence of numbers appears to be in increments of 10. The correct answer however has nothing to do with numbers. The correct answer is: ‘Dyslexic’. Get it? Yes, I will be 53 next year -*sigh*.
I like to solve riddles and crossword puzzles, play games and the like. They keep me from feeling like my brain is atrophying. After working in the same profession for many years, work starts to become second nature and nothing ever really seems ‘hard’. Don’t get me wrong, the deadlines can be aggressive, the goals challenging, the projects interesting, but nothing really gets those neurons fired up like a good brain teaser!
They say that to keep your mind healthy you need to exercise it just like the rest of your body. In my personal battle against stupidity, I decided that I needed something other than games to keep my mind from becoming silly putty and so I decided to try line dancing. Besides loving music and loving to dance, this would also help to keep my mind and body healthy – perfect!
I never really tried line dancing before unless I get credit for an intoxicated electric slide. I have always preferred being scooped into the arms of a man and twirled around the floor over dancing in a line with a bunch of other people. However, knowing that this could be my perfect ‘kill two birds with one stone’ solution I drove to the local place where “it’s cool to be country” to give line dancing a shot.
The experience was…..well….humbling. I attended the “beginner” class only to find that most of the beginners had been beginning for several years. And then there was me. To my advantage I was familiar with most of the terminology from other types of dancing, but found that the time it took to move the term from my brain to my feet was highly deficient. Directions have always been a challenge for me as well. Trying to follow directions while turning around in circles to face different walls, remembering left from right without the luxury of placing your hand over your heart and doing all this while kicking, tapping, clapping or stomping all in rhythm to a song you have never heard before - I feared that the putty had already begun to form and that it was merely a matter of time before I was in a hospital drooling.
No way! I am going to learn this line dancing. I am going to save my brain and my body and I am going to do it with rhythm! I am stubborn and I have always thought that I could do anything I set out to do, and I will do this. The day will come when I no longer look like I am having a seizure will line dancing and I will be proud! It has to happen. Being a 25 year old dyslexic with a seizure disorder and a problem with saliva is just not an option.
Did I say That?
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